We greatly depend on and appreciate our citizen volunteers to help us with community outreach events, fund raising events, Green Corn Feast weekend, spring and fall clean-up days at 6 Points, work on bulk mailings for Newsletters and Billing. Some volunteers are needed during the week, during the day and other opportunities occur on the weekends. Some volunteering requires some committee meeting attendance. Most volunteer jobs don’t require any training, limited technology, wearing regalia if you have it – just show up and do.
What can Volunteers do?
- 7 Generations Project – Danielle Lowler, ANADirector@wyandots.org
- Office projects needed by ANA Director
- Volunteer Hours wrangler – obtain signed monthly work sheets from Council meeting attendees
- Green Corn Feast – Katie Thomas, communications@wyandots.org
- Setup – setup tables and chairs, shuck corn, set up outdoor cooking
- Bonfire – will be trained in Wyandot Fire Keeper ways
- Cooking – Set up grill and cook hamburgers and bison burgers (noon to 3 pm, 2 – 4 people)
- Cleanup – Put away tables and chairs, empty garbage cans, put away tribal equipment, take down tents
- Ceremonies – komahskwema’a Ceremony requires attendance at the first or second organization meeting, where volunteers jobs will be handed out
- Setup – arrive at 9 am to setup seating and site preparation with cedar
- Food prep – prepare corn soup
- Cleanup – break down seating area and pick up trash
- Tent set up and tear down if needed and depending on location
- Community Events
- Summer Art Fairs – need booth volunteers to talk about the tribe
- Training for payments
- Annual Blood Drive – Denis Boismier, boismier@me.com
- Need check in person – will be trained to use Red Cross computer, week-day
- Gibraltar 4th of July Parade and Float – Denis Boismier, boismier@me.com March in the parade, pass out treats, help build the float
- Storytelling in the Longhouse – March 1st, 2025
- 3 Storytellers, 2-3 craft helpers and 2-3 native snack servers held on a Saturday afternoon
- Summer Art Fairs – need booth volunteers to talk about the tribe
- Wyandotte Days Event at River Raisin Battlefield NP – Always held in November. Here’s a chance to meet Wyandotte Nation relatives that travel here every year to help with this event and meet River Raisin Battlefield National Park employees. Free lunch! Week day event.
- Group Leaders- walk groups of 3rd and 5th graders to stations
- Museum docent work – canoes talks, longhouse tour and crafts
- Fundraising – Susan Szachta is always looking for good fundraising ideas and people to help plan and carry out these events. treasurer@wyandots.org
- Annual Chili Cookoff – need cooks, setup and tear down
- Spring and Fall Lottery Drawing
- Music bingo
- Bulk Mailing opportunities
- Newsletter folding and stickering – Linda Filipek Secretary@wyandots.org
- Annual Meeting Notice – folding and stickering – Linda Filipek Secretary@wyandots.org
- 6 Points Property – get down and dirty. Wear sturdy, closed toe shoes, and pants. Bring nippers and loppers. Bring bug spray and water bottle. No rest room facilities. Grand Chief Ted Roll, grandchief@wyandots.org
- Spring cleaning – 2 hours max
- Trimming trees and grass, pick invasive species, cut buckthorn trees
- Fall roundup – 2 hours max
- Trimming trees and grass
- Bridge replacement
- Spring cleaning – 2 hours max
- REQUIRED Volunteer Waiver
- REQUIRED Volunteer Policy Sheet
- REQUIRED Volunteer tracking timesheet
Volunteer Wrangler need a person to obtain the required paperwork from Volunteers and fill requests when asked by Event coordinators for help.